
I think a tool is existing between human and nature because a tool is created from nature by human. Tool must be the key to regain a good relation between nature and human.
Nowadays tools human uses are not so happy because human doesn't love them so much any more. 
If tools could speak, do you want to hear what they would say?
I'm thinking I'd like to hear what tools want to say to human, so now I'm trying to write a picture book of Musubimekun Guruguru.
Guruguru can create a musubiemkun buddy from the tool and give him an ability to speak what he wants to say to human.



 人間に一言プロジェクトは 定期的にむすびめくんパーティーを開いて一言と写真を集めています。

Musubimekun Party

 "Say Something to Human" project has a party regularly and at that party we collect the musubimekun's words and pictures.







●1 むすびめくんを作る むすびめくん通し番号をもらう

●2 人間に一言プラカードをもらって「名前、番号、一言」を書いて持たせる

●3 良い場所を見つけて写真撮影する

●4 Picasa の一言リストに掲載されるのでそれを他の人間に見せて戒めとする。のだ。
